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A complete release history for Portals Web Plugin is available on GitHub. Documentation for recent releases can also be found below.


patchLatest Production Version

May 19 2023

What's Changed

  • fix: Peer dep was not upgraded to cap 5 (#228)



May 17 2023

Pub/Sub system overhaul

This update simplifies the pub/sub system for Ionic Portals, addressing the issue of Plugin subscriptions not being properly disposed when a Portal is dismissed. More details on usage can be found here. Key improvements include:

  • Utilizing Capacitor for Event Handling: We now use Capacitor for event publishing, simplifying unsubscribing with provided handles, eliminating the need for arbitrary integers.

To upgrade from the previous release please reference the UPGRADE GUIDE.

What's Changed

  • feat: BREAKING! Overhauls to pub/sub (#222)
  • chore: Update method for retrieving initial context on Android (#226)



March 1 2023

New Feature Asset Maps

If you are developing an application that contains multiple Portals, the Portals library supports the ability to share asset files between them. This is helpful to reduce the size of your overall app if those Portals use assets that are the same such as large media files or font files. These are called Asset Maps. You can find out more about how to use them here.

What's Changed

  • feat(plugin): Add assetMaps key to initialContext (#209)



November 22 2022

This release upgrades Portals to use Capacitor 4.

To upgrade from the previous release please reference the UPGRADE GUIDE.

What's Changed

  • feat: Update InitialContext (#184)
  • feat: capacitor 4 update (#187)
To see more releases, visit GitHub.